Come Train With Me By Liverpool Street Station
As of the 1st March I brought my business over to 24N which is opposite Liverpool Street Station. It is an amazing gym with great f [...]
Reasons I Like To Use Cable Machines
Cables have got some slack over the years for not being the best tool to use when building muscle. I tend to disagree.... https://w [...]
3 Reasons To Train Your Posterior Chain
Every guys loves training chest & biceps BUT training your posterior chain is equally as important. Click the link below to find out w [...]
The 2 Principles You Need To Build Muscle
If you are looking to build muscle. Keep it simple. There are only 2 factors when it comes to training. Click the link below to find out m [...]
How To Survive The Christmas Period
It’s that time of the year again when everyone goes full throttle on booze & eats boxes of Ferrero Rochers for breakfast. Here are a f [...]
Time Under Tension Training
I trained as a bodybuilder for many years & still do to some degree. Whilst I looked strong, I was. Click the link below to fins out m [...]
If you were to say "I like using machines as part of my training" to some trainers/ coaches. They may have a complete meltdown as t [...]
I am available to train clients at there home in the Loughton, Chingford & SouthWood area. Please go to the contact page to fill in an [...]
Come Train With Me By Liverpool Street
Barbell rows are an awesome exercise. Click the link below to find out why [...]
Reasons Why You Should Be Training Biceps
Having strong & well developed are a useful tool to have when hitting the gym. Click the link to find out more. https:// [...]
Reasons Why You Should Be Doing Farmers Walks
Farmers Walks a great exercise to incorporate in to your training programme. Click the link below to find out further info. [...]
Personal Train With Me In South Woodford
I have recently moved out of Central London & I am now working at a private PT only gym a few days a week in South Woodford. I have so [...]
My Ultimate Leg Workout
If you are looking for a killer leg workout, look no futher. Click the link below to watch my full leg workout [...]
Why You Should Be Dumbbell Rowing
Building muscle mass in the upper back offers many benefits. Because these muscles are used for both pushing and pulling motions, increasi [...]
Well Done Lucia
Lucia has Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos syndrome (hEDS)and Hashimoto which is a similar auto immune illness to my Myasthenia Gravis. Her sympt [...]
Well Done Nicole
Well done to my client Nicole. She always put the work in when we train. Click the link below to see her workout [...]
Come Train With Me in Wanstead
After 21 years of living in central London. We are now moving out town slightly & I will be working from a PT gym in Wanstead too as w [...]
An Easy Way To Grow Muscle If You Train By Yourself
Training by yourself can be hard & getting those extra reps out to add some muscle is not easy. Here is an easy principle you c [...]
Fitness. It’s A Marathon Not A Sprint
From someone thats been lifting for 30 years. I can not emphasis this point enough..... [...]
The Importance Of Warming Up
I have trained for 30 years & I feel one of the major factors that I am still able to, is that I take time out to do my mobilit [...]
How To Cable Hammer Curl
Here is a great alternative to dumbbell Hammer curls. Try using a rope on the cables instead. It always creates amazing pumps. Click on th [...]
A Little Introduction To Me For My New Followers
Please click on the link below to find out some info on me. How I got in to training etc. Enjoy [...]
Be Careful Of Fitness Influencers Online
I have know of Eddie for many years. Way before he had a presence on Instagram. Please have a read of the link below on why people like hi [...]
Well Done Paul
Well done to my client Paul. 8kg/17lbs down in 8 weeks of training. 2 - 3 training sessions per week (some by himself, but under my guidan [...]
3 Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight
3 Facts as to why you are not losing weight. See below. [...]
Try This Stretch To Ease Back Pain
I recently suffered from Sciatica. As part of my rehab, I used this stretch . Give it a try. Click on the link below. https://www.instagra [...]
My Arnold Classic Trip
Click on the link below to see some of the pictures/ videos from the Arnold UK trip. [...]
Taking Care Of Yourself
I use this image a-lot as it very profound. Life can get in the way BUT you can always make time to be kind to yourself. &nb [...]
Well Done Rachel
Rachel trained with me once a week for 8 weeks & did a further 1-2 sessions a week by herself (under my guidance) as she wanted to loo [...]
My Myasthenia Gravis Anniversary
9 years ago today I woke up & my life had changed for ever. I could not see properly due to horrific double vision. In the comi [...]
How To Keep Your Shoulders Healthy & Injury Free
Keeping mobile is so important especially if you train. It keeps everything functioning as best possible & prevents injuries to [...]
How To Survive The Festive Build up .
The time leading up to Christmas can be tough. EVERYTHING comes in excess & many let their health & fitness take a back seat. Here [...]
Bro Split VS Full Body Workouts
Full body workouts VS split workouts. 90% of people can NOT cause enough muscle tissue damage to warrant a full weeks worth of recovery. H [...]
How To Dumbbell Row
Single arm dumbbell row. This exercise gets butchered a lot in gyms. Too much weight being thrown around & pulling the dumbbell [...]
Some Monday motivation. This is the reality of most things in life including improving your health, losing weight etc etc. KEEP AT IT. IT [...]
The Best Diet To Follow Part 2
Below is part 2 of the best diet to follow. Click below to watch. [...]
The Best Diet To Follow Part 1
Below is part 1 of the best diet to follow. Click below to watch. [...]
Poor Diet Advice From Personal Trainers
Check out my thoughts on poor diet advice from other Personal Trainer. [...]
My 3 Favourite Bicep Exercises
Your bicep is, essentially, the large muscle group that sits on the front section of your upper arm. You know the one we’re talking about. [...]
My Top 4 Tips For Building Muscle
Stick to these principles & the results will follow. None of the above is rocket science . You just have to apply it & be CONSISTE [...]
My Shoulder & Arm Workout
Click on the link below for my shoulder & arms workout [...]
My Leg Workout
Click on the link below to see my full leg workout. [...]
My Chest & Back Workout
Click on the link below for my Chest & Back workout. [...]
Stick To The Basics
Despite what all the “biohackers” will tell you. Master the basics first (get enough rest etc) . Before buying a ice bath for thousands of ££££££ [...]
Stick To The Basics
I started working with a new client last week. As always, I generally have to beat this type of BS out of them. Its not sexy but these are some o [...]
The Problem With Fitness
A client of mine sent me this a few days. Really made me chuckle & it is VERY true to what I have to do, especially when workin [...]
How To Lose Weight Effectivley
Losing weight on paper is pretty simple, obviously the reality isn't always that easy as there are multiple factors that do/can come in to [...]
The Best Way To Lose Weight
Losing weight on paper is pretty simple, obviously the reality isn't always that easy as there are multiple factors that do/can com [...]
How To Get Big Calves
Anatomy of the Calf Muscles The calf is located on the posterior (back) of the lower leg. The calf muscle actually consists of two muscles [...]
Salmon Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits
Salmon is a delicious fish that is versatile and easy to find in most markets. With salmon's heart-healthy omega-3s, High quality protein , and r [...]
Proven Ways to Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally
Exercise and lift weights Exercise is one of the most effective ways to prevent many lifestyle-related diseases. Not only that but it can also bo [...]
Why Lunges Are Such A Good Exercise
Squats are widely considered the king of a leg exercises, but the lunge is — or should be — a close second. Done correctly, lunges are a g [...]
Benefits Of Creatine
What Is Creatine? Creatine is a naturally-occurring amino acid that is found in your skeletal muscles. You can get creatine from foods suc [...]
Health Benefits Of Blueberries
What are blueberries? Blueberries are a fruit that’s closely related to several other berries - cranberries, bilberries and huckleberries. [...]
Wood Chop. A Functional Core Exercise
Core activation is important for many movements in everyday life. Your core is pivotal in swinging a golf club, paddling a paddleboard, an [...]
Why Carbs Are Important Post Workout
Proteins, Fats and Carbohydrates are the three macronutrients that are really important when achieving your fitness goals but carbohydrate [...]
Are You Hydrated Enough?
The human body comprises around 60% water. It’s commonly recommended that you drink eight 8-ounce (237-mL) glasses of water per day [...]
Why Bananas Are So Good For You
Bananas are a healthy source of fibre, potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, & various antioxidants. Many types and sizes exist. Their col [...]
Why You Should Have Sports Massage
What is a Sports Massage and how is it of benefit? During a sports massage the musculoskeletal system (muscles, tendons and ligaments) is [...]
How To Do A Plank
Planking provides many physical benefits. Strengthening the core is an important aspect of any workout regime. A strong and solid core loo [...]
Make Sure You Have Good Levels Of Vitamin C
What is vitamin C? Vitamins C, is an essential vitamin that you can find in lots of fresh fruits (especially the citrus variety) and veggies. Our [...]
Below, is just a short list of the benefits you will experience when you include the bent over row in your training routine. Prevents Inju [...]
Calories Burned Deadlifting
The calories burned in a deadlift can depend on a number of factors, such as the type of lift, your weight and how intense you choose to l [...]
How To Perform A Pull Up
Pull-ups are a functional bodyweight exercise that is great for building upper-body strength, however, they are commonly known as one of t [...]
How To Build A Bigger Chest
A big chest can be appreciated and noticed year-round — under a tank top or shirt, it shows. Building a good chest doesn't have to [...]
Why You Should Be Leg Pressing
The leg press gets a lot of flack in the fitness community. Most folks concede that it’s a solid tool for isolating the leg muscles (mainl [...]
How To Perform A Lateral Raise Correctly
The lateral raise is a great exercise to do perform to give your shoulders that nice, round look. Here's how to perform it correctly. 1 St [...]
The Importance Of Stretching
There are many benefits to regular stretching. Not only can stretching help increase your flexibility, which is an important factor of fit [...]
Health Benefits of Cod
The vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats found in cod provide significant health benefits. It’s rich in vitamin B12, which is an important [...]
What Is A Calorie Deficit
A calorie is a measurement of energy. The calories in food supply your body with the fuel you need to survive. When you eat food, it’s bro [...]
How To Perform Triceps Pushdown
The cable push-down is a popular gym exercise for targeting the triceps. It utilizes an angled bar, which can allow you to move heavier weights m [...]
Why Is Meat So Good For Gaining Muscle
Building muscle takes more than just putting hours in at the gym. While training is obviously important, rest is equally significant. It’s [...]
Health Benefits Of Magnesium
Magnesium it is important for protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, regulating blood pressure, energy produ [...]
The Advantages of Strong Glutes
Strengthening your glutes can help improve posture, as well as make sitting down, standing, picking up heavy objects and climbing stairs e [...]
How To Master This Classic Chest-Builder
Walk into any gym in the world, regardless of its size, location or clientele, and you’ll find they all have one thing in common: there wi [...]
Are Protein Shakes Good Or Bad ?
Are Protein Shakes Good for You? Protein shakes are a quick and efficient way to get a large dose of protein before or after a workout. I [...]
Being Consistent
Next month marks my 29th year of training and my 17th year working in the fitness industry. I have seen plenty of people come and go. Plenty of c [...]
Making Time For Yourself
Being that its the festive season. All of the above can become non stop. Take some time out during the week to look after yourself physically &am [...]
The Benefits Of Creatine
I am not massively into supplements but creatine is one that I do take regularly. Benefits include: Supports Muscular Size and Strength. Improvem [...]
Getting Those Tough Workouts In
Having an auto immune illness (myasthenia gravis) & a 10 month old baby definitely impacts my workouts now days. Yesterday I did a leg workou [...]
The Benefits of Magnesium
Magnesium is crucial for your brain and body. It has many benefits, including for your heart, blood sugar levels, and mood. It’s found in [...]
How To Boost Your Testosterone Naturally
There's more to low testosterone than a sluggish sex drive. It's one of the more frustrating symptoms. But it's not the only reason you mi [...]
The Benefits of Lunges
5 Reasons People Get Injured
None of the above is rocket science BUT can all easily be neglected. Try your upmost to cover all of them . [...]
Why you should strengthen your core muscles
Core exercises are an important part of a well-rounded fitness program. Some people may do a situp and pushup now and then. But core exerc [...]
Making Sustainable Changes
From day 1 of working with a client, i drill this in to them. The whole process should be fun, sustainable & achievable. Unless you are looki [...]
Why Cod Is A Good Source Of Protein
Cod is one of the most popular varieties of fish in the world, and besides being widely available, it is also packed with essential nutrie [...]
Why You Should Be Foam Rolling
WHAT IS FOAM ROLLING? Foam rolling is a fantastic exercise, commonly used for self-muscle release. It is like a deep tissue massage for yo [...]
Stop Changing Your Gym Routine Around
Constantly changing your routine around in the gym is a silly thing to do. How do you expect to progress if you are not sticking to a stru [...]
Why You Need To Hydrate Before and After a Workout
Your body needs to stay hydrated for general health, but it’s extra important when you work out. When you exercise, your body needs water [...]
Benefits of Warming Up Before a Workout
Warming up means raising your heart rate, which increases blood flow, raises your body temperature and wakes up your muscular and nervous [...]
A Lovely Review From My Client Michael
It has been a real pleasure to train Michael. He has come on leaps & bounds in a month. [...]
My Arm Workout
Here is my current arm workout that I am doing along with my shoulders every Wednesday. I am doing cluster sets (2 exercise back to [...]
Well Done Gary
122kg - 105kg / 268lbs - 231 lbs in 1 year. In Garys own words “ I’ve changed my lifestyle for the better”. Remember. Its a marathon NOT a [...]
Why Walking Lunges Are So Good
Walking lunges function as an excellent exercise to target all the major muscle groups of your lower body while simultaneously improving y [...]
The Health Benefits Of Strawberries
The strawberry, is one of the most recognisable berry fruits in the world.Whether you choose to whip your strawberries up into a ch [...]
Why You Should Be Using a Sled As Part Of Your Training
If you are looking for an exercise that will give you a lot of bang for you buck, then look no further than the sled push/pull. Als [...]
How To Woodchop
The cable woodchop is an exercise that uses a cable machine to simulate a woodchopping action, building strength and power in the core and [...]
Why You Need Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is one of eight B vitamins that have a vital role in keeping our bodies in tip-top condition. B12 is arguably the most [...]
Creating Sustainable Lifestyles
I can not tell you how many conversations I’ve had over the years with clients that have worked with other shitty trainers/ coaches previo [...]
Stick To The Basics
The first list is pretty pointless. It offers you nothing short term or long term. The second list will give you more fulfil [...]
Don’t Buy In To The BS
Despite what social media tells you. There is no magic pill, food or exercise you can do to lose weight fast. [...]
Well Done James
Well done James. You came to me just over 6 weeks ago as you wanted to drop a little weight for your holiday. A drop in 7lbs/ 3.1kg Slowly [...]
My Current Training Program
Around 2 months ago I went back to my old style of training, a bodybuilding split. Which I have not done since the end of December 2014 (w [...]
Improve Your Back Mobility
Here are 4 exercises you can do to improve your mobility throughout the spine/ mid back. If I’m being honest. I use to do this kind of stu [...]
How To Incline Dumbbell Press
Once you are on the bench & the dumbbells are in the air. Start by rotating your hands ever so slightly. This will create more emphasi [...]
A Quick Bodyweight Home Workout
Here is a quick workout you can do at home without any equipment needed at all. [...]
Why You Need Vitamin D
Now that the sun is shinning. Their are no excuses NOT to get enough Vitamin D. Vitamin D is both a nutrient we eat and a hormone o [...]
Why You Need Stronger Shoulders
Your shoulders do a fair amount of work whenever you perform back and chest exercises, but performing exercises that single out your delts [...]
BS In The Media
So volume of daily calories aren’t important then? “A study says….” Who conducts these studies? . Headlines like this in the media, [...]
Bullet Proof Your Knees
At 44 & a neurological auto immune illness I really have to take extra care of my body, given that it doesn’t function properly [...]
My New Training Routine
First week of a full bodybuilding split. This is the first time ive done this type of routine in years. Nothing new. Just lots of v [...]
7 Year Thymectomy Anniversary
7 years ago yesterday I had my thymectomy to remove a tumour, linked to my myasthenia gravis. I remember at the time that pi [...]
Happy Easter
. HAPPY EASTER . Bank holiday Friday seeing family. Enjoy those chocolate eggs . [...]
Well Done Cozette
A few of the exercises from this morning’s training session with Cozette . Great effort considering she was feeling a little under [...]
5 Reasons People Get Injured
None of the above is rocket science BUT can all easily be neglected. Try your upmost to cover all of them . [...]
Well done John
This is John. An old client of mine that I trained around 7-8 years ago. When I first met him. He was not very active, drank too mu [...]
The Benefits Of Overhead Pressing
What Is An Overhead Press? The Overhead Press, also known as the shoulder press, or simply just a press, is an exercise movement, t [...]
Welcome To The World Charlie !!!
It’s a boy!!! My son Charlie Frederick Robin Stalker (homage to both dads).Born 24th January at 10.11am. Weighing 7lbs 9ozs. I’m down to c [...]
Why You Should Be Leg Pressing
Along with squats. I consider the leg press a great exercise to do for full leg development. Here are some the benefits as to why y [...]
Lateral Raises: Your Complete Guide
Firstly, grab a couple of dumbbells and stand with them by your sides, with your palms facing your body. Stand tall with your core [...]
New Year. Same Rules
Happy New Year everyone . I thought I would post this as I do every year as a lot of people decide to go on health kicks in January [...]
Health Benefits Of Apples
We all know that saying "an apple a day. Keeps the dentist away". Well , apples have plenty of other health benefits too. Fibre and gut he [...]
How to Do a Goblet Squat
The goblet squat is a great full-body exercise that builds muscle (particularly in the legs, core, and glutes) and develops cardiov [...]
Why Is A Strong Core Important
Think of your core muscles as the sturdy central link in a chain connecting your upper and lower body. Whether you're hitting a ten [...]
Todays Shoulder Workout
A great shoulder workout today: Seated shoulder press x 3 sets. 10 reps Bent over flys x 3 sets. 10 reps The last exercise. Lateral [...]
How to Do a Proper Dumbbell Curl
The bicep is a muscle group that you defintley do not have to train as they get a lot of stimulus for other exercises. But, [...]
Spider Curls
I finished my arm workout yesterday with spider curls. You won’t need a lot of weight as its virtually impossible to cheat on this movemen [...]
The Health Benefits of Vitamin C
As we are heading in to winter. Many of us can get sick / ill as it is the time of year when colds and viruses can spread. Not only [...]
The Health Benefits Of Spinach
May support heart health Spinach, like beetroot, is naturally rich in compounds called nitrates; these may help improve blood flow [...]
My Upper Body Session
Upper body session from today. 2 sets x 10-12 reps: Incline chest press - Single arm row Flat chest press - Dumbbell [...]
Reasons to Get More Sleep
A lack of sleep at night can make you cranky the next day. And over time, skimping on sleep can mess up more than just your morning [...]
The Benefits Of Massage Therapy For Gym Goers
The ultimate impact of sports massage therapy is to increase the health of the body's internal tissues by improving circulation of [...]
4 exercises. 20 reps on each for 5 rounds with 1-2 minutes rest in between each round. Kneeling shoulder press. Squat - Stiff leg d [...]
Why You Need Protein In Your Diet
Protein needs no introduction. You likely already know it as one of the three major macronutrients that make up your diet (t [...]
Body Transformation By John
4 months of work. Well done John. Reduced overall daily calorie intake. CONSISTENTLY. Eats a variety of foods. NO restrictio [...]
My Upper Body Workout
A few moves from yesterdays upper body session. Got a great pump . Cluster sets x 3 sets: Incline press - flat press. Bent o [...]
This Mornings Arm Workout
This morning’s arm workout. 3 supersets of around 10 reps on each. Tricep pushdown - Curls. Overhead extension - Hammer curls. Noti [...]
5 exercises. 20 reps on each for 5 rounds with 2 minutes rest in between each round. Press up with leg raise. Lunge - Reverse lunge [...]
Well Done Gary
Gary started training with me via my app just under 6 weeks ago & has gone from 122kg - 116.5kg / 268lbs - 255lbs & [...]
Well Done Yasmin
Amazing effort by Yasmin. She purchased my 1 month coaching programme to assist with her current training. Yasmin managed to [...]
The Health Benefits Of Garlic
Garlic is used in a variety of dishes globally as it gives food real flavour. It also has a number of health benefits too. G [...]
How To Master The Pull Up
The pull-up is one of the original and most difficult bodyweight exercises to perform, even seasoned gym-goers can struggle to comp [...]
Why You Should Be Eating Bananas
Bananas are the most popular fruit in the UK and considered the most important fruit in the world. More than 5 billio [...]
How To Bench Press
The bench press is a compound exercise that involves the pectoralis major of the chest, the anterior deltoids of the shoulder, and the tri [...]
How To Prevent Shin Splints
Shin splints, is a term used to describe symptoms of pain in the front of your lower leg and at times along the inside of the lower leg, n [...]
How To Barbell Row
The barbell row. One of the best exercises you can do in the gym but also probably one of the most butchered exercises you s [...]
My 4 Week Home Training Programme
I have just added my 4 week home training programme to my app. Which includes: 3 x 30 minutes full body workouts per [...]
Well Done Simon
Congratulations to my client Simon. He has managed to drop 12 lbs/ 5.4kg over the last 10 weeks as he wanted to look more athletic for his [...]
My Fitness App Has Been Launched
After 3-4 months of work. I am pleased to announce that my fitness app is now up and running on the App Store / Google play. As a client, you wil [...]
Well Done John
MASSIVE congratulations to my client John. A STAGGERING 6kg/ 13lbs drop in 3 weeks. Starting weight 3 weeks ago. 110kg/ 242lbs. This morni [...]
4 Hip Thrust Mistakes Making Your Glutes Workouts Less Effective
Having strong glutes are essential for gym training and any sport. They assist in a number of activities and will imp [...]
Well Done Stephan
Well done to my online client Stephan. 4.5kg / 10 lbs down in weight across 8 weeks. Now has a sustainable lifestyle [...]
My Favourite Training Principles For Adding Muscle
For anyone looking to add some muscle tissue. Here are some of my favourite training principles I always used [...]
The Importance Of Fibre In Your Diet
Two Types of Fibre Dietary fibre, also known as roughage, is unique when it comes to how the body processes it. Unlik [...]
Health Benefits Of Eggs
Without a doubt, there are a multitude of benefits to eating eggs. Not only do eggs provide high quality protein, they also contain 11 vit [...]
How Hydration Affects Performance
Given that a massive percentage of the human body is made up of water (around 65%). You soon come realise just [...]
Why Is Red Meat So Good For Gaining Muscle
Building muscle takes more than just putting in time at the gym. While training is obviously important, rest is equal [...]
Well Done Nick
Amazing effort from my client Nick. 16lbs/ 7.2kg down in 8 weeks. A mixture of online and 1-1 sessions to achieve thi [...]
Health Benefits of Blueberries
Blueberries are sweet, nutritious and wildly popular. They are low in calories and incredibly good for you. Bl [...]
Well Done Tom
A HUGE well done to my client Tom. 12kg/ 26lbs down in weight across 14 weeks. Stuck to the basics in the gym. [...]
Another Client Transformation
A client of mine Dan. He came to me wanting to get “more muscular” . Goal achieved across 10 weeks. 2 training sessions a we [...]
3 Reasons Strong Glutes Are Important
Apart from it looking nice. Having a good set of glutes is essential for good daily function and integral in p [...]
The Health Benefits Of Eating Salmon
This popular fatty fish is loaded with nutrients and may reduce risk factors for several diseases. It's also t [...]
Client Transformation
Well done to my client David. 13kg/ 28lbs down. PREVIOUSLY. Non-nutrient dense foods. High calorie foods. Too [...]
Why You Should Always Keep Hydrated
Dehydration occurs when there's not enough water in your body for normal functions and even mild dehydration can lower your energy levels. [...]
How physical activity helps mental health
There’s plenty of evidence that taking part in physical activity can have a profound and positive impact on mental wellbeing. Being [...]
Stretching Benefits And Proper Techniques
Stretching is the deliberate lengthening of muscles in order to increase muscle flexibilty and joint range of motion. [...]
Why You Should Increase Your Protein Intake If You Are Exercising
If like many. you have taken to exercise since this lockdown has begun, well done. Whether it be running, weight training , [...]
Full Body Home Dumbbell Workout
Ok. So the gyms are closed and you are limited on what you can do outside your own home. Now what? Well. Like many of you already a [...]
Why The Kettlebell Swing Is Such A Good Exercise
Kettlebell exercises have immense physical benefits but the ease of use and ability to get a full body workout in anywhere makes it [...]
The Advantages Of Strong Glutes
Injury Prevention Developing strong glutes is not only essential for optimal performance, but also can decrease your risk for injury in th [...]
Why You Should Consider Eating More Eggs
They contain protein Eggs are a great source of protein, which is essential for growth and repair of the body and muscles, while also prov [...]
Face Pulls For Better Shoulder Health
A broad back and strong shoulders can be some of the most important components to a healthy body but these muscle groups can be tou [...]
What Carbs Actually Do in Your Body
Carbohydrates are one of the three macronutrients (the nutrients we need in large quantities) in our diet, along with fat an [...]
My Thoughts On The Game Changers
I watched this documentary last week as many of you probably have/ will do at some point. I will start with by saying around [...]
Surviving The Christmas Season
Next week marks the official start of the Christmas season for many. Which means more frequent drinking and excessive food. This ca [...]
Office Worker Stretches
If you work in an office ( practically all of my clients do ) , the chances are you are spending a minimum of 8 hours a day [...]
Reasons To Do Walking Lunges
Walking lunges. An exercise my clients generally hate ( LOL ). They are hard BUT effective. Lunges work a majority of muscle [...]
Full Body Kettlebell Workout
Kettlebells are a great piece of kit as they can be used for a variety of exercises without taking up much room either in a [...]
Why Women Should Lift Weights
When I first walked in to a gym (1993) . Gyms were VERY different to today. They were mainly filled with men a [...]
Why Glute Exercises Are So Important
What causes weak glutes? While there are many reasons why an individual might have weak glute muscles, one of the main causes is th [...]
Eat Some Nuts !!!!
Nuts are a great snack as they contain various health benefits. There are a number of different types all containing [...]
Why You Should Woodchop
The cable woodchop targets the transverse abdominis muscle and the obliques . These are the muscles that allow you to twist [...]
My Favourite Chest Exercises
The quest for a bigger chest is normally the goal for many gym goers, especially in the beginning . It is a muscle group tha [...]
Why You Should Add Pull Ups To Your Workout Routine
The Pull up. A great bread and butter exercise for the upper body just like squats are for the lower body. Both are great as [...]
Protect Your Mental Health Against Social Media Envy
Why can social media make us depressed? When you look at other people's lives, particularly on Instagram, it's easy t [...]
Home Workout
Sometimes getting to the gym is not always feasible. Perhaps trying a homework maybe the answer instead. I put this together [...]
Drinking Coffee For Health Benefits
Like me , many like to start their day with a cup of coffee. Not only do many depend on it to wake them up properly [...]
The No BS New Year Health And Fitness Regime
Yesterday was the first full day back to reality for many. Which means a large number of you will be returnin [...]
4 High-Protein Snacks
When you start a new exercise regime, the first change you’re likely to make to your diet is to increase your protein [...]
Health Benefits Of Vitamin D
With the days rapidly shortening. You will find yourself seeing less and less day light. For some, this can mean suffering f [...]
Exercising To Reduce Stress
With the nights rapidly drawing in and people working long hours. It can easily make you feel low and even dep [...]
You Need a Protein Shake Right After a Workout Previous studies suggested the presence of an “anabolic window” — a ti [...]
Proven Health Benefits of Ginger
Ginger is among the healthiest (and most delicious) spices on the planet. It is loaded with nutrients and bioactive c [...]
4 Health Facts On Potatoes
Followers of low carb diets give potatoes a bit of a bad rap, but potatoes are packed with powerful nutrients and ant [...]
5 Surprising Ways Strawberries Can Benefit Your Health
Wimbledon starts next week which means Pimms , champagne and strawberries will be consumed in abundance. According to the of [...]
What is LISS Cardio
Over the past few years HIIT training ( High Intensity Interval Training )has taken over the fitness world. In a world, wher [...]
Ways To Stay Focused At Work
Working as a trainer in Central London means all of my clients are office based. Most of them are generally high up i [...]
3 Simple Steps To Get In Shape For Summer
The internet can be a great source of information but it can also be extremely confusing when it comes to weight loss. A lot [...]
Foods For Better Heart Health
The food choices you make can drastically affect your heart health. Keep your heart in good shape with choices that are tasty and h [...]
How To Deadlift Correctly
Why Deadlift? It’s always important to start with why. Why? Because having a good reason for doing something makes planning easier. [...]
Why Your Body Needs Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates have a bad wrap of late . If you eat any , you will gain weight and feel bloated. Especially if you eat them a [...]
How To Get Bigger, Broader Shoulders
Having a big set of shoulders can actually make you look wider than you actually are. They are the finishing touch in creating a go [...]
What Are Macros?
Macronutrients, also known as macros for short, are the three primary sources of calories. Even if you are new to the term m [...]
Egg-White Muffin Melt
Eggs make a great start to the day. They are full of protein which is great for helping your body recover from exercising. F [...]
How To Pump Up Your Guns Correctly
The dumbbell bicep curl is without a doubt the most popular & basic exercises you can perform with a set of free weights [...]
Carbs Before a Workout & Protein After
There are loads of theories on how to fuel your body before and after a workout. Below are the basics on how to do so. They are not [...]
Hamstring Training For Better Sports Performance
When hitting the gym for sports specific training , many people will focus on training their quadricpes with such exe [...]
Eating Fat For Better Health
For years we were told not to eat too much fat as it was bad for our health. We now know this is not true. If anything, it c [...]
Stronger Calves For Faster Running
With just under 12 weeks to the London Marathon many of you are already or just about to start training for it. Whils [...]
Home Booty Workout
Back when I first started working out in 1993 , gyms were always full of men & very little women. Thankfully time [...]
Winter Home Workout
January can be a grim time of year for many. It's cold & you may find you are struggling to leave the house unless it is [...]
2 Ways To Make Sure You Stick To Your New Year Resolution
It is that time of year again that many of you will be looking to start a healthier lifestyle. Hopefully most of the Christm [...]
Exercise More To Feel Less Stressed
Stress. We all suffer from it in way or another at some stage in life & more than likely it will be multiple time [...]
Why You Need To Keep Hydrated
I have trained clients for many years & one of the questions I always ask when they start with me is, how much wa [...]
How To Survive The Festive Season
It appears the festive season is starting earlier & earlier each year. Some of my clients are cancelling or not m [...]
4 Stretches To Do If You Are Stuck Sitting All Day
Working in central London means nearly all of my clients work long hours sat in the same position. Not only is [...]
Roast Beetroot, Hazelnuts & Goat’s Cheese Salad
This autumnal salad recipe combines earthy beetroot, tangy goat's cheese & hazelnuts to make a quick & easy salad th [...]
Why You Should Be Eating More Fibre
Everyone needs the right amount of fibre in their diet. It is found in a wide variety of foods & has a ton of health ben [...]
Lift Weights To Run Better
For many runners the thought of lifting weights can be a counter productive experience. Why would you want to [...]
Drink Coffee For Better Workouts
One of the biggest things to hit the supplement market in the past 5 years is the pre workout. If you do not know what this, [...]
The Top 4 Exercises For Increasing Quads Mass
Legs. The muscle group that many do not like to train. Why? They are a biggest muscle groups on the body which require heavier weig [...]
Soak Up Vitamin D To Feel Better This Winter
We seem to have hit September & the weather has become autumnal rapidly. The nights are drawing in & the weather is startin [...]
Why You Need To Be Deadlifting
Along with Squats , Deadlifts are one of the most affective exercises you can do in the gym. You just have to be mindful whe [...]
Add Some Peanut Butter For Better Health
Protein A tablespoon serving of peanut butter contains 7 grams of protein. Your body uses the amino acids found in protein to build [...]
Green Tea Benefits
Aside from water, coffee and tea are likely the two most commonly consumed beverages in the world, & both have deep trad [...]
Low Calorie Turkey Burger
This turkey burger delivers a pleasing combination of fresh flavours & is a lower calorie option than a standard burger & its very [...]
The King Of Exercises
Squats. Probably the hardest exercise of them all BUT one of the most rewarding , especially if done correctly. I generally always give th [...]
Eat Your Protein For Better Health
Protein is probably the most under eaten macronutrient within the western world, probably the main reason being is that it can be e [...]
We're always on the lookout for ways to transform our lives, but sometimes we forget that along with exercise there's another miracle dr [...]
Health Benefits Of Onions
Onions are probably one of the most versatile vegetables you can eat. It can be used in countless recipes but [...]
Better Abs For Summer
The sun is shinning & summer is finally here. This means a lot of people will look to start a drastic diet or detox thinking a [...]
Reasons To Keep Hydrated
I am a firm believer that most people do not drink enough water. I can not express just how good it is for you both internally & [...]
My Leg Workout
In all the years I have trained clients. I don't think I have ever heard a client say "yay. Legs today" Training legs is an amazing way to burn c [...]
Tasty Greek Salad
Salads can be dull & boring especially if you find eating healthily hard but fear not as you can easily rectify this by spendin [...]
Peanut Butter and Banana Smoothie Recipe
Smoothies can be an excellent go-to food to replenish the body after a tough workout. High in protein & healthy fat, this hung [...]
My Bigger, Leaner Triceps WorkOut
If you want bigger/ leaner arms focus more on your tricep training. I have seen plenty of guys & girls spend hours doing countl [...]
Summer Ab Workout
Now that Winter is over & spring is in full affect, many now look to drop body fat & start to get in shape for summer. This [...]
Broccoli. The King Of Vegetables
Broccoli is one of my favourite vegetables to eat & can paired with a variety of foods. A favourite of mine is to eat it [...]
Outside Bodyweight Workout
With the massive improvement in weather over the past few weeks, many have got themselves outside exercising again.The most [...]
Greek Breakfast
Greek yoghurt is a great breakfast option as its relatively low in carbohydrates & high in protein. You can add a variety of fo [...]
Protein Packed Tuna Melt
Eating enough protein can sometimes be hard, especially for a beginner. Here is a quick & easy way to get in around 30-40 grams [...]
Low Carb Courgette Spaghetti
If you are monitoring your macronutrients / calories but still want to enjoy the likes of Spaghetti Bolognese etc. Try replacing tr [...]
Protein Packed Salad
Its a beautiful day here in London & the sun is shinning. We are now in to spring time & the weather is starting to get warmer whi [...]
Building Better Calf Muscles
Calves. A muscle group that are neglected by many or those who do train them may experience slow muscle growth. Here are the 2 most [...]
Curried Chicken Sauté Recipe
Ingredients 1 1/2 teaspoons curry powder 3/4 teaspoon salt, divided 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 400g boneless chicken breasts [...]
The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise
Nearly all of the clients I have trained over the many years as a trainer all generally work long hours & are highly st [...]
Healthy Turkey Burgers
Who doesn't like a burger? but they can be calorie dense food that. You can look at different alternatives that are healthie [...]
How To Deadlift Correctly
Why Deadlift? It's always important to start with why. Why? Because having a good reason for doing something makes planning easier. [...]
Spinach and Strawberry Smoothie
Ingredients: 150g low fat vanilla yoghurt Around 200ml water 1 medium banana 100g strawberries / sliced 2 large handfuls of spinach Instru [...]
Quick Chili Lime Cod Dinner
Cod is an excellent source of protein as it practically has no carbs or fats in. But, many find it a little bland. Fear not [...]
Strong Hamstrings – Strong Legs
Many gym goers will spend a lot of time training their quadriceps by doing squats, leg press & lunges but neglect their hamstri [...]
Parmesan-Crusted Baked Cod
Cod is a great source of protein and very low in fat but for many it is a little tasteless and boring. Here is a quick and e [...]
Ways To Improve Your Posture
Being based in Central London means nearly all of my clients are office based. Most clients will come to me with poor [...]
Beginners 3 Day Split Bodybuilding Routine
When a client first starts training with me, I generally make sure we train their entire body 2 -3 a week but once they can achieve [...]
My Bicep Pumping Routine
When it comes training , biceps are always the most popular for guys. Here is my current routine , nothing startling but an [...]
Tuna Pasta With Tomato Sauce
Serves 2 Ingredients : Drizzle of olive oil 1 - 1/2 chopped onion 1- 2 garlic cloves 400g tin of chopped tomatoes 120 [...]
Grilled Salmon With Smoky Glaze!
Ingredients: Salmon Filet Drizzle Of Extra Virgin Olive Oil Pepper / A pinch Smoky Sriracha Glaze: Sugar-free [...]
Winter Abdominal Workouts
We are now into Autumn which means Winter will soon follow. For many, this is the time to "bulk up" to add more muscle size [...]
Raspberry Oatmeal Protein Bites
Ingredients Almond flour: 4 tbsp (28 g) Rolled oats: 1 cup (80 g) Vanilla protein powder: 2 scoops (60 g) Baki [...]
10 week Body Transformation
My client , Alisa. She came to me 10 weeks ago as she wanted to get in shape for her beach holiday. We looked at her macronu [...]
Rippling Tricep Work Out
Having a great set of triceps in both men & women always looks great in my opinion . Not only do they make a bulk of th [...]
High-Protein Salmon Meatballs
Ingredients: SALMON MEATBALLS: Canned salmon 14-oz. can Whole-grain crackers, crushed 1/4 cup Egg white 1 large Red onion, c [...]
Healthy Low Sugar / Gluten Free Doughnuts
Ingredients: 1 1/4 cup almond flour 1/4 tsp salt 1/2 tsp baking soda 1/4 cup cocoa powder 3 farm fresh brown eggs 1/4 cup co [...]
Cashew Chicken with Baby Corn
This dish is filled with healthful fats and muscle-building protein but relatively low in carbs. This recipe will help you c [...]
Basil & Sundried Tomato Turkey Burgers
Seeing as the weather is far from what it should be for this time of the year. Here is a tasty , protein packed dinne [...]
Ladies Who Lift
Hopefully long gone are the days that just guys lift weights and more and more women embrace hitting the gym to lift weights rather than j [...]
Broccoli and Chicken Salad
If you are stuck for time and are struggling to get a good lunch . Try this quick and healthy recipe. Ingredients 100 - 150 g broccoli 1 [...]
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Protein Truffles
The secret ingredient to making this snack protein packed are the chickpeas which, make these protein cookie dough truffles perfect any ti [...]
Chicken-Avocado Spinach Salad
Like many, most are stuck on time to prepare food for their lunch. This recipe allows you make a tasty lunch that is quick and nutritious. Ingred [...]
Pumping Guns Routine
They may not be the biggest or the strongest group on your body, but your biceps are arguably the best "show" muscles. Functionally, the b [...]
4 Techniques To Get Your Beach Body
We are officially 12 weeks away from the summer holiday period which means you are better off starting to get ready now rather than leavin [...]
Booty Workout
With Spring almost upon us its time to start preparing that beach body now for the summer and what better way to start by getting f [...]
Gluten Free Banana Cake
Gluten free banana cake 2 cups shredded coconut 1/2 cup coconut oil 1/2 cup caster sugar 1/4 cup brown sugar 2 eggs 3 very r [...]
Boulder Shoulder Workout
One of the main factors to a great looking physique in both women & men are wide , round shoulders. They can assist in giving y [...]
Healthy , Quick & Easy Burgers
Ingredients : 400 grams of organic extra lean mince 2 egg whites 1/2 onion, finely minced 100 grams oats 2 tsp. Worcestershire sauc [...]
Athletic Arms Tricep Workout
TRICEPS ANATOMY: Most gym goers would have a fair idea of the main function of the triceps which is to extend the elbow, or straighten the [...]
Sweet potato shepherd’s pie recipe
INGREDIENTS 1 egg yolk 1 cup skimmed Milk 400 g Extra Lean Ground mince 1/2 cup onions 2 tbsp butter 1/2 large uncooked carrot 1 cu [...]
Boosting metabolism works wonders. By exercising at a fast pace with minimal rest periods, you are increasing your metabolic [...]
Ways to Beat a Weight-Loss Plateau
I helped loads of clients lose weight , & I can tell you that I have seen it all. Here's what I've learned: The clients who do hit weight-lo [...]
Great Abdominal Moves
Sure, diet is paramount when it comes to developing great abs for all to see, but you mustn’t forgo a solid & affective ab programme t [...]
Healthy Reasons To Drink Coffee
Lately more and more reports are being linked to drinking coffee —but they must be balanced against the brew's possible bitter effects, es [...]
The Importance of Amino Acids
Amino acid as a supplement have been used for many years & were very popular in the late 80s - early 90s then seemed to [...]
15 Minute Home Workout
With the ever hectic lifestyle of most people now days , its not always possible to make time to get to the gym BUT fear not. You c [...]
Peanut Butter Banana Muffins
Ingredients : 1. 1 cup organic peanut butter 2. 2-3 VERY ripe bananas 3. 2 eggs 4. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 5. 1 tablesp [...]
Getting The Most Out Of Squats
The squat is widely used as a staple exercise by Strength and Conditioning professionals to increase an athlete’s performanc [...]
Blueberries / The King Of Fruits
1. They are the KING of antioxidant foods They protect our bodies fr [...]
Quick & Easy Tuna Steak Dinner
We made this a few days ago. It tastes great & is [...]
My Bicep Blasting Routine
When it comes training , biceps are always the most popular for guys. Here is my current routine , nothing startling but an effective rout [...]
Grilled Chicken with Coriander Pesto
Ingredients 50ml of fresh lime juice 50ml reduced-sodium soy sauce 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 teaspoon chili powder 450g of chicken breasts [...]
Almond And Maple Protein Porridge
Sick to death of eating plain old porridge? Try this quick recipe to spice up your breakfast. Ingredients 30-50 grams of porridge ( ideall [...]
Sun-Dried Tomato and Chicken Meatballs with Spaghetti Squash
Meatball Ingredients 1. 500g - 600g of lean chicken mince 2. 80g of sun dried tomatoes 3. 1 tbsp Sea Salt 4. 2 tbsp oregano 5. 1 tb [...]
Stiff & Tired? Try Foam Rolling
If you don’t know what the foam roller benefits are, you may find out that foam rolling is a relatively new solution that help you to redu [...]
Peanut Butter Swirl Chocolate Protein Brownies
Fancy a sweet treat ? but minus all those calories ? Why not give these protein brownies a try . They are quick to make & [...]
15 Minute Home HIIT Training Routine
If like many, you do not have the time to get to the gym, why not try this HIIT (High-intensity interval training) workout that you can do [...]
Butt Kicking Workout
If you are trying to improve the appearance of your butt, this can be achieved through proper diet, cardio and, most importantly, by build [...]
My Protein Pancake Recipe
Ingredients 60 g of almond flour 150g of oats 250ml milk 2 scoops of whey protein powder ( I currently use PHD protein) 2tbs [...]
My 10 Moves For A Better Core
A strong core is essential to correctly perform strength training exercise, to lift a maximum amount of weight and to reduce your risk of [...]
Great Transformation From My Client John
Fantastic job by my client John. A loss of 3 stone / 42 pounds & close to 5 inches off his waist. John went from doing nothing physic [...]
Online Client Making Great Progress
I would like to congratulate my online client, Shane. In 3 weeks he has lost just under 10lbs. This is with no silly diet or juices , just [...]
The Importance Of Protein When Exercising
What is Protein? Protein is a macro nutrient made up of 20 amino acids that are necessary for proper growth, repair and function of the human bod [...]
Congratulations To My Client Steve
I would like to congratulate my client Steve for doing an awesome job & really committing himself in the gym with me & making some [...]
Another Satisfied Client
Well done to my client Simon who lost 7 1/2 pounds in 4 weeks whilst maintaining all of that hard earned muscle before he goes away on his holida [...]
Personal Trainer Hoxton Bulging Biceps Routine
Barry Stalker: A Personal Trainer Hoxton Bulging Biceps Routine Everybody wants big biceps as they are a most impressive area to develop . When s [...]
How To Recover From Your Workout
Ok, so you have just finished your gruelling workout & you are want to recover as quick as possible?, then look no further. Whether it be loo [...]
My Trip To Barcelona On Behalf Of Powerade
I am finally able to put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard in this case & tell you about my trip to Barcelona on behalf of Powerade. I was [...]
5 Reasons to Squat
Squats are considered by many including myself to be the king of all exercises. They are great for fat burning & building strength to name 2 [...]
Increase Your Fibre To Lose Weight
Fibre for fat loss? That's right, fibre can actually help you lose fat. We all know that fibre will help fight against heart disease, cholesterol [...]
A Small Artice I Wrote On Vitamin D
Below is the link to an article I wrote on the importance of Vitamin D on the body for an industry website. Now that we are in Spring & the sun i [...]
My Top 5 Tips For Gaining Muscle
5. Muscle Soreness is Not the Best Way to Judge Your Workout Muscle soreness is a direct result of small breaks in the muscle fibres during your [...]
Sugar, The Breakfast Of Champions
They say “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day” & I would have to agree. Getting a good quality breakfast down you will set [...]
5 Workout Techniques to Make Sure You Keep Burning The Most Calories Possible
If you are looking to make the most of your time whilst at the gym, then see my top 5 ways to burning those calories that you can incorporate in [...]
Importance Of Vitamin D
Seeing as the days are starting to get shorter, I thought it would be a good idea to talk about Vitamin D, as this will now become more &a [...]
5 reasons for runners to incorporate weight training
1. Increase in speed Strength training will make you faster. Whether you are a short distance runner or a longer distance runner, you will find y [...]
All Over Body Conditioning Programme
Below is a programme I did with one of my female clients yesterday, it covers the entire body in one workout. We did one body part at a time, but [...]
My top 10 tips to get the New Year off to the right start
1. Get all of the remaining Christmas food & drink out of the house, as you will be tempted to pick at it. You will find yourself j [...]
Awesome Ab’s
Here is a great ab / core routine I did with my client yesterday. It consists of 3 exercises performed straight after each other with a rest or b [...]
Buns Of Steel
Here is a great work out to hit those thighs & bum that I did with my client today. You will be doing a walking lunge with a squat once you h [...]
Circuit Training Whilst At Home / Outdoors
Here is a simple but effective circuit you can do at home or outdoors, whilst using minimal equipment. All you need is your own body weight and o [...]
Another fitness gimmick that has not lived up to all of its hype
Those who know me, especially clients know that I am of an old school philosophy when it comes to getting in shape & it never ceases to ama [...]
Obesity and the affects on the body
Obesity causes serious changes in hormones controlling blood sugar, fat deposition, appetite and metabolic rate. It is not entirely clear whether [...]
12 Week Transformation With My Client Jason
Well done to Jason he lost an amazing 3 stone / 42 pounds over 12 weeks. I am very proud of him & glad to see all of the hard work paid off. [...]
10 Reasons to Start Up a Water Habit
1. Lose weight: Drinking water helps you lose weight because it flushes down the by-products of fat breakdown. Drinking water reduces hunger, it’ [...]