Cod is one of the most popular varieties of fish in the world, and besides being widely available, it is also packed with essential nutrients that can boost your health.

Muscle Health

Cod fish is known for its ability to increase and improve muscle mass and is usually included in diets for bodybuilders. The fish is an excellent source of protein, which promotes growth and recovery of muscles. It also contains amino acids, zinc, and selenium, all of which help build muscle.

Heart Health

Omega-3 fatty acids are known to thin the blood and also reduce inflammation, both of which can help to boost cardiovascular health.

Hair Health

Cod contains B vitamins which are essential for keeping your skin and hair healthy. Selenium, in the fish, helps boost hair growth and prevent hair fall by killing free radicals.


Various nutrients in this fish can boost bone health and help reduce inflammation, including the symptoms of arthritis, migraines and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

High Blood Pressure

People who eat cod fish regularly have greater amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and as a result, lower blood pressure than those who consume less. This is according to data analyzed by the International Study of Macro-/micronutrients and Blood Pressure.