Given that a massive percentage of the human body is made up of water (around 65%). You soon come realise just how important it is for you to consume as much as possible every day.

This is even more apparent when it comes to working out as the body will require it more so to function as best possible.

Regulate body temperature.
When core temperature rises above normal, undo stress is placed on the body, which can interfere with the body’s energy systems. This interference, in turn, negatively affects both performance and recovery.

Regulate blood pressure.
Effectively regulated blood pressure normalises heart rate and, therefore, manages stress on the body during training and recovery. Excessive stress can lead to inflammation and other processes that can interfere with both performance and recovery.

Assist in the movement and transport of essential energy nutrients.
Essential macronutrients such as carbohydrate, protein, fats and supporting nutrients that are used as energy for the body are all transported by fluid in the body. In addition, fluids help to remove the metabolic waste that is produced during intense exercise.